
How hashtags can help in promoting your virtual events

Virtual events are the new trend of 2021 and have massively enabled businesses to reach out to audiences at a global scale. Today, most organisations are making exclusive profits and ranking at the top. But do you know how they reach there? Well, hashtags made it easier for them to organise and promulgate their event in a way in-person events couldn’t have done. It has become a valuable tool for event organisers.

Now you can ensure a successful virtual event by choosing accurate keywords for your hashtags. Use existing hashtags and immersively promoting your derived hashtags at each social media channel to market your event effectively and tune-in maximum attendance.

There are multiple hashtag guides that you can use or simply make a new one of your own. Hashtags have been with us for a very long time. But it is gaining more popularity after the outbreak of COVID-19 which enabled businesses to expand their reach seamlessly.

Not just that, you can reach thousands of people with a single selfie! Just by simply adding a photo, using unique hashtags and that’s it! Let the hashtag do its job and this is not it, there are more reasons for their popularity. There are still a few left who don’t know the value of this brilliant tool or have failed to use it correctly. So keeping them in mind, we have amalgamated a few tips that you can utilise while promoting your next virtual event.


A virtual events is an event that takes place over the internet on a virtual events platform instead of a physical gathering. They are digital sessions which track and store valuable information of attendees from anywhere in the world efficiently. The content can be broadcasted over the internet irrespective of time and geography. Delivering quality content is one of the most important things when hosting a virtual event to achieve and engage an extensive population. Proper marketing strategy and planning is required to make the virtual event more effective and to improve visibility of your virtual events.


Hashtags are a free source of promotion and advertisement for your event. They are especially important for small businesses or nonprofit professionals for showcasing expertise, acquiring new clients, or building a network. Hashtags helps in increasing awareness and visibility of the said event.

When a hashtag is associated with the event promotions, it makes it easy for the people to find the photos and attendee interactions with your event. Hashtags also help in pulling a conversation together by including them in promotions, commentary and gratitude posts.


Hashtags have similar visibility as social promotions. To achieve a successful hashtag, moderation is the key. Avoid unfavorable situations such as when someone asks a question, and no one is available to answer and interact with them.

Develop a proper plan and strategy to create and manage your hashtag.



As said earlier, there are many hashtag generating tools available today so if you are using this tool for the first time make sure you drive effective hashtags altogether. You can also incorporate other organisers hashtags which they used in their past events. Using others’ hashtags is okay but make sure you do not steal it. Observe what kind of content they delivered with the hashtags and how they motivated others to use the same.


After understanding how this tool works, choosing a suitable hashtag for your upcoming event is no Biggy! Well, this can be tricky at first but once you get used to making your own hashtags promoting an event becomes easy. Don’t use the same hashtags again and again. This will muddle up all your effort. Ensure to keep your hashtags short and simple. Creating more complicated hashtags can confuse your target audience. Also, adding small hashtags enable more space for people to share their thoughts and experience. Make your hashtags eye-catching, innovative so that people remember it even after the event is concluded.


After finalizing your hashtags it’s time to launch them and let people know about your event and event platform. Make relevant posts matching your hashtags, remember your goal should be driving as many people knowing about and participating in the hashtag as possible. Don’t over promote your event, be sure to invite only those who are interested in your event. You can use an event stream on screen during the event to show tweets and Instagram posts with the hashtag in order to inspire more users to use them. Of course, before publishing, make sure to vet the posts to ensure they are valid and acceptable.


Keep your hashtags relevant and connected to your event. There are several trends to make a hashtag, focus on the type of your event and include important descriptions regarding it such as the year, motto, etc.

A relevant and descriptive hashtag is not enough, it should also be unique so that when people search for it, they only come across posts related to your event. Example, #HealthForAll, this is a common hashtag which may also be used to represent some other event. You may add the year or specific information regarding the event such as #HealthForAll21UAE. Use capitals to separate 2 words in the hashtag without using any space.

Keep the hashtag as short as possible while simultaneously keeping it unique and specific. It should also be easy to understand, you may use acronyms or synonyms to create your hashtag!


Hashtags are a great way of publicity and promotions and free at the same time. Hashtags bring together like-minded individuals by browsing the similar hashtags. Every bit of effort invested in your event will pay off in the end, so do not keep any lose ends. Keep promoting your event and follow up with the participants. Eventually you will find yourself at the end of your successful event with a job well done.

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